Friday, February 23, 2007

Happy Friday....

I've spent most of the last 7 days with my grams who is in the hospital with some heart issues. Never a good thing. But she was released today so we're all crossing our fingers that she'll remain at home this time in good health....besides having been an exhausting week and spending altogether too much time in hospitals so far this year, the outcomes have, thus far, been happy so I must focus on the good....

On a happier note, it's Friday!! I plan on doing some relaxing, hopefully getting a little reading in along with some long over-due (like 2 years over-due) scrapping. I STILL have not made my 2007 calendars. And right now you're thinking "Um, it's almost March." I know. Which is why I need to get on them. Because even though it's almost march, my family STILL WANTS THEM. So, I must finish them. Or start them. Whatever. :)

Jake and I just finalized travel arrangements to Virginia in March! We're flying in to Washington D.C., driving into Lynchburg VA for about 5 days, then heading back to D.C. to hang out for a few days before coming home. Jake has never been to the east coast so he's pretty excited to see all the sites in D.C. Plus I'll get to hang out with my family that I don't get to see very often!! I'm sure I'll have tons of pictures to share when we get back!

And a random thing for the week.....a little while ago jake and I woke up to a phone call from our neighbor telling us to quietly look on our front porch. So we sneak upstairs, open the front door and what do we find on our door step? A TURKEY. Not like a frozen Butterball wrapped in plastic. A REAL, LIVE, TURKEY. Since when do turkey's hang out in an urban neighborhood in Colorado? He was just cruising along, visiting people's yards. I tried to feed it some corn but it didn't want any :) It wandered around our neighborhood for about 3 days and then it was gone. I don't even want to know what happened to it. Hopefully it found it's way back to a field and not on someone's dinner table.....


Greta Adams said...

bwhahahahahahahahahahahah girl that bird was know it was...bwhahahahahahaha

thanks for the killer laugh i NEEDED IT!!!!

Claire said...

A turkey? How cool!


Jamie said...

Wait a turkey?
And like it didn't want your corn...

Pound said...

um.... bwahahaha! a turkey?!
don't turkeys eat worms? or wait. corn. chickens kinda eat corn. maybe it has to be dried up corn, not cooked like human corn.

i spent way too long on that corn issue.