Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I know it's a little late for resolutions, it being almost February and all, but I've decided that I'm going to change some things in my life. I've been feeling fairly "ick" as of late and am going to do something about it.....

1. There's a new gym right down the block from us that just opened and Jake and I joined last night. I'm hoping that since it's so close to the house, I'll get myself to work out at least 4-5 times a week. Cross your fingers, I'd much rather be at home in my PJ's watching Grey's.

2. I'm going start going to the doctor at least once a year. I've been awful at consistently going to the doctor. (I've already made 2 appointments, one more to go....)

3. I'm going to drink more water, and less sugar filled liquids. My goal is at least 2 nalgene bottles a day.....looks like I'll also be spending more time in the bathroom....

4. I'm going to use lotion on a regular basis. I've been so lazy lately that I haven't been putting lotion on and now my skin looks like it's going to fall off. Not even lying.

5. I'm going to actually DO my hair more often. Instead of letting it hang in a hideous frizzy pony tail all the time because I'm too lazy to do it.

6. Speaking of hair, I'm going to get it cut more than twice a year.

7. I'm definitely going to scrap more. And by more I mean more than just the 2 pages I did last year. Seriously.

8. And lastly, I'm going to visit my grandparents more than just once a year. Nothing like a quadruple bypass to make you realize that you don't see them enough....

In an effort to motivate me to run more, I bought myself a little present:

Me likey.


sarah said...

good list sarah. real good.
makes me realize I need to do half of those things myself!

oooh...nice new present!
I got lucky and got one free through a work thing and LOVE it.
It's so teeny tiny and fun! :)

Greta Adams said...

great list...see i am so lazy i just assume not do one.. :)

elizabeth said...

love your list and i love it b/c its do-able. good luck with that. and seriously, visit your grandparents more...mine are gone and i wish i could just call my grandma.

oh and get your hair cut too...every six weeks sista i'm either trimmin' it or getting it highlighed. my lil treat. plus, it helps when you to a hoytie-toytie type of place where the owner is drop.dead.gorgeous!!! hmmm...that reminds me, i should have an appt. coming up soon ;)

Jamie said...

Can you go ahead and work on all of your resolutions twice as hard to cover for me?
That'd be great, thanks......
Remember that time I totally hijacked your shuffle?
WHAD I SAY?!?!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

I so need a shuffle!!!!
I need a gym down the street ( actually, I need to live on a street first...).sigh..I am SO jealous...let's see the RAK!!???

Pound said...

dude. jamie's infamous bff. =P

love all your resolutions. they are good ones. i've been doing the lotion too, cuz i have 600 bottles yet only really it when my skin's about to peel off.

Pound said...

p.s. google analytics can track your blog hits and stuff, and tell you if your dumb brother is reading your blog by searching under "hate sarah" lol.