Monday, January 08, 2007

Vegas Pics....

Just a quick little post before I go watch some football......

Vegas pictures, as promised....

Had a great time in Vegas with the girls.....I have a lot of snapshots of us at the clubs, and in the casino, but oddly enough I don't have any of the sites in Vegas....Funny how that happens :)

So it's supposed to snow here again on thursday. AGAIN. We still have a 6 foot snow pile lining the sides of our driveway, and we're supposed to get MORE. Don't get me wrong, I think the snow is gorgeous, I love having it on our trees and mountains and such. But I HATE driving in it, especially when there isn't enough time in between storms for the ice on the street to melt. Which means after this snow, we'll have 3 layers of ice on our neighborhood streets. COOL. Though I would be alright with it if we got another couple of snow days from work :)


Jamie said...

I love the vegas pics.
For one second I looked at the boys and was like, omg, I almost forgot that they were there!
I'm smrt.

Greta Adams said...

very good pics.....

Queue_t said...

wow you girls and guys are so GQ- love the " sites" being all of your smiling faces.
